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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Re-Marriage for girls in Kaliyuga:

When her husband is missing, or is dead, or has
renounced the world, or is impotent, or has been degraded
by sin, — on any of the said five calamities befalling a woman,
law has ordained another husband for her.

- Sri Parashara Smriti 4.30

 If a woman has led a continent life, after her lord
departed his life, she wins a region of bliss after her death,
like to the well-known male observers of a celebate life.

- Sri Parashara Smriti 4.31

Monday, March 20, 2017

On Rain

An interview of 'weather forecast Ramanan' during Chennai floods where refuted the popular belief by saying "Trees & planting trees are in no way connected to bring rain".


Seek video from 33.15 mins

As he says methane & nitrogen oxide very dangerous green house gases responsible for global warming.


Gobar gas plants & stop using UREA in farming (Even if it is neem oil coated urea).
Govt introduced neem oil coated urea to prevent evaporation of nitrous oxide into atmosphere.

And too much irrigation by farmers  causing water clogged rice fields are also responsible for Methane emissions..

As he says 'winds & temperature' are main factors to produce rain.

In yagyas we give havir bhagaas (aahutis/
Oblations) to these rain bringing winds like 'purovaatha' etc & to Sun for getting that energy equivalent to atomic power to create cyclonic
winds to bring rain.

To get gd rain in rain forests of Western Ghats doing Somayagaas are indespensible. Performing at least one Somayagam in one's lifetime is a mandatory duty for Brahmana Kshatriya Vaishya Gruhasthaas.

Visit www.shrautam.com to know more abt shrauta yagyas.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

How to get rain & cope with fodder scarcity ?

A Soma yaga (a rare madatory yagya) was performed at Trichy in 1st week of March.

"yagyAth bhavathi parjanya"- Gita 3.14

(Soma) Yagyas give rain.

Cash crops & tourism must be banned in hills. Tribals,elephants & tigers will take care of rain forests. Tirunelveli (Tamraparni) getting gd rain bcoz of Mudumalai tiger reserve & lack of tourism in hills. No gd measures from govt to control forest fires & illegal logging.
Lack of "IshtA poortha Dharma" main reason for water scarcity. IshtA means yagyas like Ishti.Might have seen it in almanac on prathamais. Poortha Dharma means kudimarAmatthu -community desilting of water bodies. Both Isthi & poortha are necessary. Inter dependent. No use in doing costly Somayagyas if our water bodies couldn't preserve water. #PWD must b made accountable.

Need of the hour : Legal knowledge for citizens (especially farmers) to make the govt & judiciary work. Warrant Balaws's books will give confidence that we can get timely justice even in this corrupt system.

Our govt too can emulate US Govt's community garden system for landless farmers. Porumboke lands for horticulture crops & pastures to cultivate fodder.

-From my WhatsApp chat

Monday, March 13, 2017

Aapath dharma

Doing paradharma (business of lower varna) during financial distress is allowed for Hindus. Though it is paradharma it is regarded as Aapathdharma during emergencies. Doing paradharma in absence of emergencies will pave d way for hell.

"Apya karma shatam kruthva Barththavya manu abraveeth"

Do even 100 mean works to protect ur family - Manu Smriti

Need change of mindset in Brahmin parents

Brahmins need to return their native village & do their swadharma. Those who have enough asset/money may move easily.

Parents of brides need to give priority to bridegroom in following order:

1. Vedic guru
2. Vedic priest (sastrigal)
3. Agriculturist living in village
4. Teacher
5. Businessman
6. Entrepreneur
7. Govt job
8. Pvt job
9. IT Job.

What is the purpose of marriage?.. What good have we left for our future generation ? Brahmins loosing their respect as they have left their identity &duty.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Need to implement Danda Neethi

#IPC penalties are outdated.Must update. Law makers COPIED penalties 4m laws of various countries. Nothing 4m #ArthaShastra or #DandaNeeti.


Untouchability exists even within Brahmins for purity.eg: Between pure & impure during birth/death pollution,puja,food ETC

Yakshma Tharpana after bathing for polluting water

 Hindus need to do YAKSHMA Tharpana daily after taking bath, for polluting water by bathing. Imagine expiations for other kinds of pollution like effluents,sand mining etc.,

Take a handful of water with both hands, chant the shloka & do tharpana to please Yakshma devatha for polluting water by bathing.

" En mayA dhooshitham thoyam shAreera mala sanchayai:|
tath pApa parihArAya yakshmAnam tharpayAmyaham||"

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Marriage for girls at 18 yrs is the need of the hour!

Today is Valentine's day!. Inter caste love marriages rampant these days in Brahmin community & other communities too. If not at 18 yrs of age ( as recommended by Kanchi Mahaswami as per rule of land) for girls, 21yrs need to be the Max age for girls for marriage . Many parents & girls need to understand. Studies & job can be done after marriage by 18 yrs too. Brahmin  community is in grt threat due to this late marriage mindset!.People need to know that late marriages are the fountain head of various social,health,mental problems these days. If not kannika dhaana at least nischayathartha when she is minor & marriage once she becomes major by law (the next muhurtha after attain 18 yrs of age) will be more appropriate as of now. Ppl need to ponder over!.

Unlike Kannika dhaana marriage none of her friends can stop her marriage by reporting to police or missionaries if she gets married by 18 yrs (while studying second yr in college).  Girls may take correspondence or home study courses like CA,CS,Music etc.

Even if few put this '18 yr old marriage' for girls into practice there would be a great impact on others. Many will emulate in other communities too. Some of  responsible parents need to begin this revolution ASAP.

See how Christian Bishops are very much concerned about this new social threat to their religion.
